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Col. Lee. Dr Sir enclosed you have a statement of A. Alexanders acct. The short pants and shirt he desired me to get out of his wages, you will please ask him if he did not receive them, - He had his regular Summer and Winter clothing and wished those articles mentioned for dress. the morning I left Alexandria I told him he should have his money in a few days as I told the others, but navigation closed so suddenly I have been unable to ship either Corn or Wood I will remit you or hand the amount due in short.
Very respectfully,
(sgd) Custis. Grymes
February. 5th 1868.
P.S. I would be glad to get some boys for Farming also a Cook, and Cashier, for which I will give 6$ per mo:
Amt. paid A. Alexander in Cash &c $22.25
Amt due A. Alexander $17.75

Bureau R. F & A. Lds
Hd. Qrs. Asst Comr of Va
Richmond Feby 10th/68.
Respectfully returned to Bvt Col. S. P. Lee. S.A.C. inviting attention to endorsement of Jas Johnson. S.A.C. 
O. Brown
Bvt Brig Genl Vols
Asst Comr. 

Whipple. Geo. Revd

A 39. 1. Vol 1868.
Recd back. Feby. 9th 1868.
War Dept Bu: R.F &c
Washington Feby 6th 1868.
Respectfully returned to the Asst Comr of Va, Under present laws, there is no authority to issue Rations as requested. Should the New Bureau Bill pass, it may be possible to grant this request. 
By order of Maj Genl. O. O. Howard Comr. 
(signed) E. Whittlesey 

Bureau R.F and A.L. 
Hd. Qrs. Asst Comr Va
Richmond. Feby. 10/68.
Respectfully returned to Revd George Whipple inviting attention to endorsement of Maj Genl O. O. Howard Comr.
O. Brown
Bvt Brig Genl Vols Asst Comr 


Hambrick. P. R. 
Lieut & S.A.C, 

H 32. 1 Vol. 1868.
Recd bck. Feby. 9th 1868.
War. Department.
Adjutant Genls office, 
Washington Feby 5th 1868.
Respectfully returned to Maj Genl. O. O. Howard, Comr, with information that the name of Jno Kinney is not borne upon the records of the 12th U.S. Colored Tps, but Jno Kinney Private Co "L" 12th U.S. Col. Artillery (Heavy) is borne upon the Muster out roll of his Coy: as died March 17th 1864, at Dutch Island R.I. of Consumption. 
No other man of the name appears to have belonged to either of the above mentioned regiments.
(signed) Thos S. M. Vincent,
Asst: Adjt Genl,

Bureau R. F and A. Lds
Head Qrs. Asst Comr of Va. 
Richmond, Feby. 10th 1868.
Respectfully returned to Lieut P. R. Hambrick, S.A. Comr, inviting attention to endorsement of Thos M. Vincent, A,A, Genl, 
O. Brown
Bvt: Brig: Genl Vols
Asst: Comr. 

Hambrick. P. R. 
Lieut: & S.A.C.

H 26. 1 Vol. 1868.
Recd. bck. Feby. 9th 1868.
War. Department
A.G. Office
Washington. Feby 5th 1868,
Respectfully returned to Maj Genl. O. O. Howard, Comr. The name of Henry Whitfield is not borne upon the records of the 1st or 2nd U.S.C. Ca: or the 5th Mass. Cav, which are the only regiments of Colored Cavalry that ever served in Virginia. 
All the regiments of U.S.C. Cavalry Vols were mustered out of service prior to August 1866.
(signed) Thos. S. M. Vincent
A.A, Genl,

Bureau R. F and A. Lds
Head Qrs. Asst Comr of Va
Richmond Feby. 10th 1868.
Respectfully returned to Lieut. P. R. Hambrick S.A.C, inviting attention to endorsement of Thos S. M. Vincent, A.A. General,
O. Brown
Bvt Brig Genl Vols Asst Comr

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