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indispensable to consecrate a feast," for they will not touch flesh the blood of which has not been offered to the gods.  They have no exclusive priesthood; anyone may assume or lay down the office.  They worship visible objects, such as the stars, rivers, &c., with an indirect references (says Hodgson) "of the powers displayed by these sensible objects to an immaterial or moral source, unknown indeed, but still adored as Divine, and even as a Divine unity," for which, however, their language furnishes no word.

They have no physicians, but exorcists form a distinct branch of the priesthood, the belief being, that all diseases "arise entirely from preternatural agency."  See further particulars in Mr. Hodgson's paper at p. 711 of vol. xviii., part 2, also vol. ix., p. 829; [[italicized]]Journal Asiatic Society, Bengal[[end italics]].