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            HIS SON-IN-LAW.

THE Nawab is the chief of the Junudanee branch of the Talpoor family, and is a most intelligent and highly respected person. When the Talpoors ruled in Sind he was confidential adviser and secretary to the late Meer Mahomed Khan, one of the joint rulers of the Hyderabad division of the country with Meer Sobdar, and Meers Messeer and Mahomed, and much of the negotiation with the English political agents passed through his hands. He received the title of Nawab from his master, which he retains, as also the estate he enjoyed. He was much attached to Captain Rathborne, the first English collector of Hyderabad, and afforded him very valuable information and assistance in the settlement of the district and adjudication of claims. The Nawab still enjoys a fine old age, and, though the ex-minister of a conquered state, can appreciate the improvement and progress made since its annexation.
   His son-in-law, Khair Mahomed, an extremely handsome man, and a fine specimen of the late ruling family, resides with him, but takes no part in public affairs.