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The Jemallees are a minor Beloch tribe who have no particular location or possession. They are not predatory, but are cultivators, and some of them artisans. With the Jettooees, a similar tribe, they are numerous in Upper Sind and Kutchee, but are separate from the tribe of the same name found in Lower Sind; both most likely, however, are descended from a common stock. The principal person among the Jemallees is Bhawal Khan, a chief who holds a considerable estate on the western bank of the Indus, in Central Sind, and still keeps up a connection with his clansmen in Kutchee. Khyra Gurhee, in Larkhana, is perhaps the chief place of settlement of the Jemallees, and there they are poor, being more herdsmen than cultivators.

Door Mahomed, "the pearl of Mahomed," is five feet eight inches in height, a powerful man, well armed after the national fashion, and as he bears arms, may be one of the guides or local police. He wears a large white turban, and over his white dress a short yellow jacket, embroidered, which is called neemcha. His matchlock, sabre, and shield, are of the usual Beloch character.