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bestowed on the sacred rivers Ganges and Jumna.  The character of the Jats, as given by all reporters, is good: they are very intelligent, a fine race, while both men and women attain great age.  As a rule the lower classes do not eat meat, though it is not prohibited, perhaps because they cannot afford it as well as the upper classes.  The general food is grain made into unleavened bread, and eaten with dressed pulse, vegetables, sour and sweet milk, and the like.  Rice is hardly used among them, except at festivals or household entertainments. "The Jat women, except of the very highest classes, do not conceal themselves, and the fact of this exception is due, no doubt, to Mussulman custom.  Widows of low station, on their husband's death, usually live with their husband's brother as his wife, without any further ceremony; but should she prefer any other man, he is at liberty to take her, on paying a fine to her relations." --(Official Report).  And no doubt many other interesting particulars of Jat domestic life and customs could be obtained by a closer special inquiry into their general and particular condition.