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              RAJAH OF SILLANA

DUDAI SINGH, Rajah of Sillana, is a Rahtore Rajpoot.  He is related to the Rajah of Rutlam, and the connection of the British Government with both occurred in the year 1819, after the battle of Mehidpore, and pacification of Malwah and Central India.  Sillana and Rutlam had been tributary to Sindia, and in 1819, Bapoo Sindia, a commander in Sindia's service, was dispatched with a large irregular force, to exact payment of tribute from both states.  The Rajpoots flew to arms, but as all parties appealed to the British representative (Sir John Malcolm), a settlement was made, by which, without the expenses of collection, the tribute of both states was secured to Sindia, while they were protected from the predatory acts of Sindia's forces.  The amount of tribute paid by Sillana to Sindia is Rs. 42,000 S.S.  In other respects the Rajah is independent.

     The state does not, however, appear to be in a satisfactory condition; it is not well managed, and it is still heavily in debt, which the Rajah in 1866 bound himself to discharge.