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inoffensive, belonging to Hindooism as Sundras, employing Brahmins in their principal rites and ceremonies, and believing in Siva or Mahadeo.  There is, however, a strong undercurrent of aboriginal worship and fetishism, and they are probably derived from aboriginal stock.  Gauwlies are found in every part of India, and among Hindoo societies are respected because of their protection of cows, and preparers and sellers of all forms of milk.  Their food does not differ from that of other Sudras, and they habitually drink spirits in Berar and in the mountains as a remedy against the effects of malaria; at festivals, however, they occasionally indulge to excess.  Gauwlies do not intermarry with any other classes of Sudras, and even in their own caste with any except members of their own gotes, or divisions, which are very numerous.