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[[underlined]] Observations [[/underlined]]
1) Paint with little Linseed Oil, so that it will not run
2) A light picture must be very carefully built up in the most sparing colors on a perfectly white zinc overcoated ground, brush with water color or tempera and in hues much more spectrum pure than the final work, else one gets into hopelessly dull [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] color, or too deep tones compared with natures brilliancy or with white paper and color, which no amount of opaque color will correct. White spoils nearly all colors, especially ultramarine, lemon yellow, orange. ^[[Pure]] Water color ^[[on paper]] is superior to oil in regard to whiteness and brilliant light colors. Yet the glow of oil colors is so much greater than of a water color that relative greater lightness or effect of luminosity, light, is obtained. -
Es ist trocken nach ein paar Tagen.
3.) Man muf sehr correct und wirksam bis ins kleinste (d.h. nicht Detail) [[underlined]]zeichnen[[/underlined]] sowohl vorher inder Anlage, wie hernach wit dem Pinsel wenn man so, wie hier, einfache reine breite Farbe and weiter nichts hat.
[page number in pencil] (6