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precisely (loose painting: Cezannes "lack of drawing.) In fact by so painting the truthful rendering of the mere color effect is accomplished. Of course: to leave a bare canvas, without skill, between adjacent colors produces clumsy effect and drawing, after all. The [[underlined]]negative drawing[[/underlined]], is therefor as exact, as positif drawing, but is not actually done, but merely a result of true color working and more similar to reality than line drawing which is a symbol like writing and foreign to the idea of color painting. Hence it is quite logically suppressed in modern painting; (in prints (Japanese, lithographs, etching) it is absolutely necessary, since the color is limited, there, in its application and possibilities.).--(Similarly stained glass).
[[horizontal line]]
Ich schabte das ganze Bild bis auf den grauen Ölgrund ab : das ohne Ölzusatz aufgetragene Blei-weiss war viel zu stark, da es noch stark geschabt völlig weiss war, und viel zu ölig, stark glänzend und glatt wie glass ; weshalb wohl die darauf gesetzten ul + cob viol Schattentone (dunn + oil + amber) leicht abzukratzen waren, ebenso vir. Benzin [[strikethrough]]loste[[/strikethrough]] weichte die Farbe. auch der kleine Canvas mit Kremnitz w
