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[[image - ink drawing of a barn and a farm house with fields at left and trees in background, all with verbal color notations in German]]

[[top of page]] helles cerul + w blau rosaweiss roas

[[top left image, treetops]] rot [[ora?]] blaugrün blau grün blau 
[[left side image, ground]] stark rot [[tiq?]] blaugrün stark rot & purpur [[underline]]Tiefblau[[/underline]] grün

[[ barn at left]] 
[[roof]] blau 
[[house front]] gelb 
rosa [[ora?]] +W. 
rosa [[ora?]]gelb 
[[in front of house, ground?]] viol grau blauviol 
[[house side ]] blau

[[middle area between houses]] violett 
rosa [[within double rectangle]] 
lila rot gelbweiss ein grün blau rosaweiss [[gulb?]] grün gelb orange rot viol 

[[larger house on right]] 
[[chimney]] rot ora 
[[roof]] blau 
[[house front]] gelb
rost rot [[rectangular box]] 
[[house side]] blau grün rot gelb rosa blau 

[[right side of image, tree area]] 
ora blaugrün grün-blau blau viol grün 
[[tree trunk area]] rosa grau lila rot blau  grün blau

[[bottom of image, horizontal lines, left to right]]
 gelb gelbgrün gelb gelbgrün grün grün 
[[next row]] rot rot purpur viol. 
[[next row]] rosaweiss   rein hellblau hellblau [[above hellblau, with arrow]] tiefgrün 
[[next row]] rosa weiss ora rot und violett rosaweiss 
[[next row]] [[double-line rectangular box]] grün 
grün blau, violett 
[[diagonal pathway area, left to right]] weiss + lila rot lila rot.rosa.blau. violett rot

Transcription Notes:
in German colorcoding for image