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in that tones and values of large masses of the composition bring out the play of variety and effect. In the tone differences between pure white and black there is colorite! indeed the [[underlined]] pictorial [[/underlined]] is solely based upon the proper, effectual, expressive, novel, surprising, harmonious and individual [[underlined]] arrangement of tone contrast. [[/underlined]] I say intentionally tone; thoug it is a musical [[strikethrough]] definite [[/strikethrough]] term, it is more expressive of color tints as well as of white and black alone, as paints, than the word [[underlined]] light [[/underlined]], which we cannot imitate, but only circumscribe by color. [[underlined]] This pictorial tone--underpainting [[/underlined]], without or with very little real color added to white and blue (acting as grey) reveals the true idea of the picture, its masses, lines, proportions, character and suggests the color better--if a color sketch from nature or as preparation is at hand--in fact reveals possibilities of pure color in the pictorial sense. Hence I will adhere to this method. The best is [[underlined]] to prepare ones own canvas [[/underlined]] with [[underlined]] the best Cremnitz White [[/underlined]] on which oil underpainting can be done in the thinnest colors.
