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[[Above image]] Hauserschatten [[three vertical lines]] rosa Reflexflächen [[two horizontal lines and one double humped line]] Is blaulicher               Bäume [[four little random lines]] hellgelb. [[margin on right side of image]] [[three vertical lines]] hellgrün [[three diagonal longer lines]] grün blau [[horizontal line]][[margin left side of image]] [[six vertical lines]] rein gelbe mauer flächen [[seven small vertical lines, perpendicular arrow lines]] [[Sun?]] 
Cd. Cd II 
Cd. Or. +W 
[[long horizontal line]]
[[below image]] [[five lines]] rote schmale Kanten weniger Sonne [[vertical line]] Berg [[four diagonal lines]] Ly+Vir Flächen [[four diagonal larger lines]] hellblau Flächen [[two vertical lines, two horizontal lines, small]] dkl blau

Transcription Notes:
Notes in german language, uses German letters such as ä ß Various Codes seem to be for colors (W Cd Or LY nY Vir...)