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5.) Also: Do not set the brush to a picture [[underlined]] before its coloring is fully ripened in the mind [[/underlined]] To draw poorly to fail in some perspective is unessential if the principal thing the right hue, tone and line or stroke so the color of each spot is achieved with promptness. That is good art and good safe painting. Nothing wastes the time more than to have to scrape the canvas down or the money and time, to abandon it and start on new material
6.) The sketch, at a smaller scale, is not sufficient to calculate all final painting from.
I painted the factories all with cadmium dots and find it to be wasted effort:
7.) [[underlined]] Do not put on color unless it is done with full feeling [[/underlined]], certainly, and judgement of the color in the brush and the colors already on the canvas.
I have to scrape this picture all off. [[underlined]] The color must spring from the color motif - effect or color idea of the motif. [[/underlined]] I am to produce paintings more durable, original of pure beauty of color, than ever made. The range of the color embraces 1) the pure spectrum colors 2) the same in light tones
