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quality (1) hue 2)light=tone 3)direction 4.)mass, 5)figure, 6)handling as a physical material, paint, not mere color similar to the tones of instruments instead of mere uninstrumental sounds) in juxtaposition to another color and meaning or expression of an idea in concert with all other colors of the [[underline]] picture [[/underline]] ; which is a work of art in colors i.e a unity, a mind directed organism of many paint strokes (like the musical notes struck) done one at a time, filling the canvas i.e. the actual limit of the idea; in order that the paint strokes tell of the beauty of a certain colorite, color effect, of an actual motif of nature or life, and of that which the state of mind of the artist has produced in connubium with reality. Therefor a painting is quite separate from all else which reality or life contains (and they do not at all contain the artistic or pictorial, since these are imaginations of the mind). Painting is to represent
