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[[underline]] Drawing is subordinate [[/underline]] in coloristic effect. Authority on house decoration: "The detail or quality of design of ornament and decoration is unimportant to the mere beauty of carefully harmonized and balanced colors, which, however, needs proportion and pattern, by which they arrange themselves, and richness each color, or pattern of its own surface" (Testure, [[underline]] quality [[/underline]], or in Japanese prints the beautiful design on dresses). It becomes useful in a [[underline]] negative [[/underline]] way. When we are impressed by the beauty of a scene in nature, its details, lines, perspective accuracy are all unimportant, if visible at all, and not observed at any rate. Only the color effect acts upon us. Similarly we look at a fine painting. If [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] each color sits in its right place, has the right hue, tone, quality, and proportion, the reality of nature or life is expressed. But to achieve this total and partial effect: [[underline]] No color must transgress its place, its linear limits! [[/underline]] Hence adjacent colors must not so invade, beyond their proper outlines (according to color beauty as above and the character or idea of what their motif represents in reality, as tree, cloud, animal etc) as to become irrational, represent meaningless objects or distorted ones. Inside of actual correct drawing however colors need not fill these outlines.
