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any [[underlined]] idea [[/underlined]], connected with mere colors. As if they were merely pigment on a palette. An arbitrary scene cannot be substituted, since mere invention of objects, even if they had as logical a connection, as the things which make up this scene, would fail to interest the mind. We are not living in the age of Claude Lorrain, Poussin and the dreamers of antique. The Renaissance, in Italy, stuck closely to Roman ruins, to the face and body, and garments, of the then living contemporary race. [[insertion]] Further, [[/insertion]] if I [[insertion]] should [[/insertion]] paint this scene in [[underlined]] the grey colorite [[/underlined]], either at a different hour and light, or, as it is, just then, but by careful [[underlined]] tonal variation [[/underlined]], large pictorial masses of them, texture of color surface, on the basis of real detail, e.t.c, in short, if I conceive it in the customary pictorial sense, I get no doubt a good picture. - But it is not [[underlined]] my [[/underlined]] task; I want to look at things, at life, at nature, from my own preference of colour, and use the motifs found (since [[underlined]] they [[/underlined]] are the common basis for me and the spectator [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] to an [[underlined]] understanding [[/underlined]]) for such new [[double underlined]] colorite as a pictorial unity, expressing Empfindung [[/double underlined]] similar to music. Hence the scene is to [[underlined]] be light into a form [[/underlined]], that is [[underlined]] a way [[/underlined]] of painting, which creates a [[underlined]] new organism [[/underlined]] or combination, (which is the [[underlined]] personal [[/underlined]]) between reality and impression. Just as the special experience of a poet as a lover, or as a discoverer of a dramatic motif in some history or contemporary life, [[strikethrough]] litte [[/strikethrough]] is converted into [[underlined]] that form [[/underlined]] of [[strikethrough]] expression [[/strikethrough]] words which gives expression to the feeling of all, to the Empfindungen of 
