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[[sketch with notes]]
[[left hand column from top to bottom]]
Morris Canal
[[strikethrough]] St[[/strikethrough]]
NE 11AM. 
[[underline]]color principle[[/underline]]
[[underline]]hand note [[/underline]]

white wall not refl. the sun.
also pure black shadows in door opening of red house in stone wall
nov. 22-11
cold very brilliant clear day [[artist's colophon]]CFB
[[image- ink sketch of a landscape with a lot of handwritten notes describing it located at the center of the page between two columns of additional handwritten notes]]
deep blue sky 
deep solid purest sky blue
as in zenith height imaginative exaggerated 
light ultramarine
palest cerulean blue
white sky gleam
brilliant white pink horizon
pale blue sky
[[on houses left to right]]
pure orange red
pure vermil
strong spectrum red
magenta rose m + verm
[[on bushes & foliage in front of house]]
pure green and yellow cadmium red
rose orange
pale yellow
[[on small house/hills/ tree from left to right]]
pure violet [[hill]]
white [[house]]
green lemon rose orange [[tree]]
violet-rose colbalt viol [[hill]]
[[water from left to right, top to bottom]]
pale orange
brilliant pure cyan blue water, in large streaks
and pure bluewhite and orangewhite lights
pale yellow orange
[[foreground / bottom of sketch from left to right]]
deep purple muddy shadows [[with arrow pointing up]]
orange yellow light
deep blue
deep green
orange brown and green reflexes
deep rose
[[right hand column from top to bottom, text is perpendicular to sketch]]
white [[inserted with arrow]]red refractions gold and 
white sun reflex
white light w/ cadmium g
the iron red
greenish reflex