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Their naturalistic, in-artistic reproduction of actual scenes, people, e.t.c meant to them saints, heavens, e.t.c.  We to day are after the poetical in the very nature of what we see, men or things, we are more truly classical, like the Greeks. [[underlined]] Form then is the basis of painting, but as a cause of unity in colorite [[/underlined]], not as an end in itself or as the medium of expression, which it is in sculpture. We can in painting not get away from form. To paint form one must be able first to draw form: not grass, but form of grass, not water but pattern of water (since smooth water has no form. flat planes have texture (surface irregularity = integration of small forms). A [[underlined]] distant [[/underlined]] town or a distant mass of people are not a multitude of walls or faces, pictorially, but [[underlined]] unities [[/underlined]], in which many small clearly visible parts assume, like atoms in a molecule, special size, shape, outline, and specific distance and arrangement to one another, and the whole form or aggregation of them has its characteristic outline, mass, color, texture, e.t.c [[underlined]] The artist must simplify and exaggerate for [[/underlined]] the sake of pictorial effect. What is not this, has no place on canvas, but in books or in a panopticum; just as a dramatic play writer must write only what makes effect when enacted, or a
