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[[text written on white paper, glued to page]]
[[number 1 in a circle]]
Oct 24. -11

I painted the Bronx River scene over, but followed neither the whitisch chalky and spotty effect of the same size watercolor study, nor the pale colors of the original nature sketch, nor the recollection of a visit of yesterday, all being greyish and uninteresting. Rather according to the new small color sketch: namely the sky quite solid flat vir+w green, the horizon similarly just cob viol+w; and the water as the sky, and so forth, all in flat colors, being anxious to merely get the large color masses right in tone and hue, intending to finish by breaking up the flat tints with small dots of either strong [[strikethrough]] or [[/strikethrough]] pure colors or of varied tones in order to give form and life, vibration. However I find again, that, as it was with the simply colored (yellow, blues) and flat laid underpainting, that the new total effect is almost sufficient and that it would be a [[underlined]] mistake to model and break up the flat pure colorite [[/underlined]], since pure flat perfectly arranged, well outlined