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[[pen sketch -- road surrounded by houses and trees]]
[[below image]]#4. 20x30. Aug. 11.-11. [[make?]] Skizze, Winfield

Sonne [[arrows pointing a one of three small sketches below large sketch]] 
[[detail sketch #1--detail of building edges]]
[[written along the bottom of the sketch]] weiss

[[detail sketch #2--mound/hill like sketch]]
[[above sketch #2]] weiss [[arros pointing to sketch#2]]
[[written on the line of the mound]]orange rosa blau

[[sketch #3--looks a cracked egg in a frying pan with an arrow pointing to the center]]

[[below three sketches--a small circle inside a circle]] Häuser und hellste [[?]]

4[[circled]] hell grüngelb hell gelbrgün e [[?]]
1[[circled]] " rosa " orange Straße
3[[circled]] hell rosa violetter Himmel gegen grün [[[?]] Waldlicht
linkes Dach licht hell orange,
rechtes  "    "  hellrosa
hinteres "    "  [[strikethrough]]hell [[/strikethrough]] rosa & blau
gegen blaugrün
  "   [[das Beries?]]
vorderer Grasschatten grün blau
Schatten vorn violetten warm in violettblau in [[?]]
nichts glatt Alles blättrige Oberfläche
so Dächer

Wald hinten so, [[?]] haben

Transcription Notes:
in german