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The [[underlined]] general task [[/underlined]] is to see [[underlined]] color [[/underlined]] wherever life or nature is and rather nearest to us and linked with all our interests ,and sympathies than in exotic regions or excentric [sic] effects; Accordingly we to day have a different idea of color in connection[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] with [[strikethrough]] the same [[/strikethrough]] Things from those before with the same things (as the var ^[[y]][[strikethough]]ious [[/strikethrough]]ing  phenomena , or vari[[strikethrough]]ous ^[[ying]] ideas expressed in colors by the historical schools, directions). To clearly and masterfully show new original color beauty  as a result of our ^[[own]] general ideas of color, on the things around us, is the problem of the modern colorist and it is now ^[[more]] nearly related to music al [sic] art than ever before. [[underlined]] Color now is [[/underlined]] not a phenomenon of light or atmosphere or of a societies state of mind (power-,historical subjects; vanity; religion etc) but [[underlined]] individual relation to [[/underlined]] modern man's[[underlined]] culture [[/underlined]], and aspirations, the result of all achievements of modern life, especially in science, technique, litterature [sic], and probably most adequately expressed through music; [[underlined]] Color carries our sympathies to every aspect around us [[/underlined]] and more especially 

[[in pencil]] (42 [[/in pencil]]