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after-noon. I walked down there to meet him.

[[underline]] Sun. September 16th. [[underline]]
Mary Reilly went to church. We expected to go up Monadnoc. It rained. I had a ride on Sandy.

[[underline]] Mon. September 17th. [[underline]]
It was a cloudy day, and I thought at first that I couldn't go to Keene: but as it didn't rain, we decided that I could go after all, so my papa and I started for Harrisville, a man took us a mile or so in his wagon, and we walked the other three. We almost missed the train, and had to run the last part of the way, but we got it all right. We went right to the

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house where Aunt Annie, and Aunt Esther, and Aunt Mary, live. We ate our dinner there with them, and with Faith, for she was there too. My papa went right back to Dublin as soon as dinner was over. Very soon after dinner Margaret Pollard came to see me. She and Faith and I, went to see Aunt Harriett, who lives in the house where the other three aunts lived, in 1887. While we were there Mrs. Stearns came to take me and Margaret to their house. A man and his wife who were some relations of Mrs. Stearns, and also her son Fred, came to the Stearn's at the same time that Margaret