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took a walk by the lake in the after-noon.

Tue June 26th. 

Rainy day.

Wed. June 27th

Cool and sunny. Miss Jones went at about ten o’clock. Netty, Gerald, Gladys, and I, spent most of the after-noon in the pasture where Dr. Mathewson’s horse Phillis was kept. Netty said she thought she would like to go with us to fill Miss Jones’s place as we had already decided not to take Miss Fallenstein.

Thur. June 28th.

This leaf is lost too, but I know that Netty decided not to go with us. Also that we got a telegram from Arthur Carey, in the evening, saying that he would meet us at Boston on our
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way to Dublin, and go with us to Dublin at least. I feel very sure that that was what he said.

Fri. June 29th,
Cold east wind. In the after-noon Miss K. called on us, and we caught a whole family of chipbirds, - two young ones, and the father and mother.

Sat. June 30th.
We left Woodstock for ^[[Dublin]] at about ten o'clock. We stayed in Boston about two hours, and had dinner at Mrs Hill's house, with Arthur Carey, who went with us to Dublin, right after dinner. We got to Harrisville a little while after the sun had set, just as a pretty hard thunder storm was coming up. It was quite dark when we got to the hotel in Dublin, and was already

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