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Gerald and I waded in the lake in the after-noon, and Nelly and Mary watched us. I went out rowing on the lake in the evening with Miss Greene.

[[underline]] Mon. August 20th [[underline]]
I walked to the village in the morning. In the after-noon I went to drive with Miss Greene to get the Farmer kittens, but as no one but the girl was at home we couldn't get the kittens. While I was driving with Miss Green, my papa was taking a walk in the woods, and seeing six young raccoons.

[[underline]] Tue. August 21st [[underline]]
Isabel, Gerald, and I tryed to catch the hens, in the afternoon.

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Isabel stayed to supper.

[[underline]] Wed. August 22nd [[underline]]
I posed for my papa in the morning. In the after-noon Isabel, Gerald, and I chased the hens; and my papa took a walk in the woods, and took a trap which he had been making to catch the young raccoons. We had a heavy shower. I had supper with Isabel at her house. When I came home after supper I found that my papa had not yet come home from his walk. He didn't come until almost nine o'clock. Mr. Farmer drove him home. The reason that he was so late was that he had actually gone to the top of Monadnoc. He brought