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Cosmetics bussiness - payment for drawings in Stock. Make lots o' money
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[[Strikethrough]]Jan. 1st 
1944. Feb 1st 1944
Received cheque for $1000.00 as a monthly salary. Surprised went to S.s office to express same and be elucidated. - My wife and I.
Smart "Now that your mother & sister were here I realize that you've had all that extra expense and responsibility that why I am making it possible for you to have 1000. every month to take care of everything until I get around to figuring just how I can write a more lucrative contract that will bring you around 28,000 a year. In the mean time if you want extra money, just come to me and Uncle Dave'll give it to you. I just don't want to deprive yourself of anything, but concentrate assidiously on your work.
June 1st 1944__
Went to L.A. to look our house over. Put his sister's apt. at our disposal - Sister offerred $10,000. for home [[underlined]] $10,000 

[[J.W.?]] Kansas trip.