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Your letter of Feb. 24 received and I pass to review its contents. I will follow your precautionary suggestion of photog. each pic. before it leaves my studio this for my record and as to enable you to copyright them. You understand, of course, that some pics  are bought outright, as they are ordered for one specific purpose, for instance the Skating [[Vera?]] they'll use it [[strikethrough]] only [[/strikethrough]] advertising the show only and have no resell value, say for, stockings dresses, etc, etc. I understand they copyright the drawing [[strikethrough]] so their [[/strikethrough]] to protect themselves so that another competitor show couldn't "swipe" it. As for Vargas Girl drawings of that is a different matter. Here, we'll copyright them in our name.- As for the H. deal I am sure we all know now where we stand, we were shoved behind the 8th Ball and I hope that from now or till doomsday we will accept [[double underlined]] nothing, that isnt down in black and white. It's too bad honest people cannot rely anymore on a "gentl.'s word" In this connection would it be possible for you to get the Shepp to come clean and honestly state what the [[underlined]] real and true [[/underlined]] position of Gaines is in relation to the Varga [[Ent?]] and Varga Cal? It seems to me this gent is taking more and more commanding  and demanding attitude in the present setup, without previous consultation or discussion. I hear he even threatened on day to get Phil and himself on
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a place to come out here to give me fish wives tales about Harry's lack of cooperation etc. etc. Good thing you stopped him as he would have gotten more than a frigid reception from the Vargas'. I also would like it brocken down in black and white, exactly how many how many calendars are to be printed
   A. Newstand - B. Desk. C. Wall. D Playing Gaines seems to have remarked that the [[Nevalaw?]] Smart put out last year was a flop - too many returns and consequently he would not print more than 200,000 of ours. The power of the Varga signature is overwhelmingly evident in the fact that Smart tried and did pull a fast one by publishing my pictures without my name - accordingly the public took the position no Vargas name, no Varga Cal. in other words no signature signified - the nigger in the wood pile and didn't buy. I tried it myself by asking for a V. Cal - so they showed me a Esquire Cal: 'here you are" - I replied "where is V' signature" - they said this is a V. ca. even without his name, it's Varga's work" Anyway they went to great lengths not to loose a sale. Multiply this case that by several million customers and you get the pic [[?]] focus of why the so called Esquire 1947 Cal. didnt sell so good. But the smart Mr. Gaines can't see beyond his longnette