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So I again rely upon you to use your persuasive powers to get this matter adjusted or clarified in a clear cut way.

Now we come to the piece de resistance: the Smart affair. We have read and reread and discussed pro and con everyday your notes in re this critical matter. It goes without saying it isn't very easy to my "abysmal" nature to think of "Uncle D." without the blood boiling in my veins. But since this case can only be settled by [[underlined]] "due process of law" [[/underlined]] my personal feelings must be adjusted to the dictums of the Courts. Smart's hatchet man says the frères S. are burnt up over several pointed remarks in Judge Igoe's decision well, Igoe's eulogies of the Smart clan in the opening sentences of his decision made the hair in the back of my neck stand on end and my wife nearly passed out. particularly his opinion on who made the Varga Girl made me despair of ever finding justice in this world. Sprowe is entirely Correct - a great deal of feeling ^[[exists]] between S. and I - and it is all poison. Once bitten by a rat ^[[in particular]] - you become leary of rodents in general. So, Smart now wants to trade - appeal for appeal which we all agree is admirable, nay desirable provided:
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A S. makes a $25,000 settlement. (You'll always be able to [[?]] scale down to 10000 in horse trading)
[[strikeout]] 2. [[/strikeout]] B. We get all my drawings back, since
[[strikeout]] 3 [[/strikeout]] C. He will have to agree [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] to publish any more Varga drawings ^[[anyway]] - with or without name (This as you well remember is the very heart of my suit against him.).
An alternative to this settlement would be to ask for whatever "Varga products" he has on hand such a playing card, desk calendars, post cards etc to be given to us in lieu of cash. or [[underlined]] $10,000.00 in moneys [[/underlined]] - and 15 [[underlined]] 000 [[/underlined]] in V. products.
Of course knowing the rodent Smart, he'd rather throw the V. products into lake Michigan yet with his wellknown love for Mammon he might compromise our way - specially if we don't budge one iota in our determination to stop his publishing V. pics with or without signature, by [[underline]] going to the higher courts if necessary [[/underline]].  In this connection it is very evident that the publicity accompaning each trip to the courts is most unfavorable to him while it helps infinitly to keep the Varga name in 'The publics' mind. And this is hurting his bussiness, you can bank on that. We are all very concious of the harrowing Consequecies if [[underline]] we [[/underline]] should loose our appeal