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while Smart is equally worried sick should he come out on the losing end. [[strikethrough]] His pockets [[/strikethrough]] His bank accounts would be in for a gorgeous piece of carving. That is why - he came to us      ^[[first]] with an opening proposition.-

At this point and by this time you'll have surmised and concluded that we agree with your opinion of a settlement 100%.  An attorney of your stature knows just how far to stretch the rubber band. So this is all [[underlined]] your [[/underlined]] show from now on in this odd version of the Merchant of Venice. You are the star - so lay them on the aisles. -

By the way you did not include the ^[[smart]] statement for 1946 due me - and let's not forget there is another one coming for 1947 - as the [[playined]] card and Varga products etc. are still on sale even without advertising, or under the phoney name of "Esquire Girl". - All this details are important to a substantial settlement, I believe. Let us repeat then, we all have absolute confidence in your integrity and ability - whatever you accomplish will be to the best of our mutual interests, we just implore you not to be too soft and lenient with the Freres Smart until you wring down the curtain on the last act of this drama of greed and skulldrugrerie. I would ever have

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present in my mind the arrogant and insulting attitude of "Uncles Dave and Alfred" in the opening days of the trial, every minute you are negotiating a settlement with that vermine and when it is all over - I'll be more than glad to forget they ever existed and to go on to better and bigger things. Believe me, the future is quite rosy and promising right now - even with the shadow of court proceedings hanging over ^[[all]] our dealings - so you can just imagine what we can look forward to when it is all over. 

[[Reid?]] - here ends the saga of the so called "Smart Freres." I know it will give a much better insight & understanding of the sinister conspiracy these two [[underlined]] rodents [[/underlined]]had prepared for my "demise" from the public's eyes