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New Orleans--April 6th. 1831.
My Dear Coln.
Many thanks for your very friendly consideration, and I feel truly obliged by your letter of the Mr. [March] which I recieved yesterday--but before I proceed, I must beg of you to make my best regards to Mr. Fell, not forgetting his Cara Sposa, and inform him that so far from having neglected what was due from one Genl. to another, I replied almost Instanter to the letter he was so obliging to address to me at Boston, and I am afraid that without this explanation, he may set me down as a bad sample of an Englishman--however upon the strength of this assertion, I flatter myself that he will not insert my name in the black book, for I can assure you that several letters which I have elsewhere forwarded, have unaccountably miscarried- So much for Post regulations--I certainly shall feel extremely gratified in having so fine a specimen of my good and honored late Father's pencil as the Christ Rejected, exhibited in New York, for I am induced to believe, that it has been only partially seen,