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of the Brig Charles Daggett, Captn Bachelor, of Salem in 1833.  He confessed having plotted the destruction of the crew, and the plunder of the vessel; and succeeded in killing [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] ten of the men, who were cooked and eaten; the rest escaped with the vessel.  He died at New York in June 1842.

31 to 35. Crania of Fiji Islanders.

36 Head of Pekea, of Taranaka. A chief of the Notekooekoe tribe, New Zealand

37. Head of the Atoe, of Wanganewe; Notepahea tribe, New Zealand; these heads were dried in ovens, and according to the custom of the country, were kept as trophies of victory, by the enemies of their tribes.

38. Cranium of a Chinook chief, from Nesqually, Oregon; it was flattened artificially during infancy, according to a custom of that tribe; a model made by the natives of the cradle in which this operation is performed may be seem by referring to number 116.

39 to 55.  Crania from dead Island, and other places on the lower part of the Columbia river, Oregon.  All but numbers 47 & 52, are more [[insertion]] ^or [[/insertion]]] less flattened by artificial process