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are unknown, but they belong probably with this group or with the Ute-Chemehuevi group.

The third branch (Kern River) consists of a single group, and in fact virtually a single small tribe, on Kern river at the southern end of the Sierra Nevada in California, (with the Bankalachi of Deer Creek) - the Tübatulabal. Their speech is very distinct from that of all the other tribes and differs equally from that of the Ute, Shoshoni, and Mono on one hand, and the dialects of southern California on the other.

The fourth branch (Southern California [underlined]) comprises the Indians of southern California, (with the exception of the Chemehuevi of the Colorado River, who are of the Plateau branch).  The southern California branch is also divided into three groups.

A, the Serrano. This Spanish word meaning simply "mountaineers" is applied to the Indians of the San Bernardino mountains.  Their range, however, was greater than this, as they inhabited the Mohave desert, and at least one of their branches, calling themselves Gikidanum, were on the north side of the Tehachapi mountains, that is to say, within the Tulare basin drainage.

B, the Gabrieliños, so called by the Spaniards from having been gathered at Mission San Gabriel.  The Indians of San Fernando Mission also