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with my method for which I applied for a patent. I am trying also to improve my patent diaphragm paint by the addition of one of the following ingredients: soap, starch - pulverized roisin. I try these materials so as to produce a less permeous diaphragm paint and thus start a cell on lower percolation.
July 8 [[underline]] Another [[/underline]] busy day "in overalls". 
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We succeeded in making a rather good diaphragm after my method. using soap lye instead of silicate for binding the fibers and wetting [[strikethrough]] under [[/strikethrough]] the flucculent asbestos fiber under a sheet of wet burlap. Afterwards squeezing out
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excess of liquid while pressing gently then rolling up the burlap sheet we left a very homogeneous and rather uniform sheet of asbestos felt on the perforated plate which dries nicely. In the mean time wrote report as to conditions of cell room my suggested remedies and my suggestions as to future cell. We also started new cell with improved diaphragm paint. Roisin + soap. The cell started with a [[strikethrough]] percolation [[/strikethrough]] total percolation of 800 cc per minute or about 48 liters per hour and one side showed only at the rate of 15 liters so that a diaphragm made 
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