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[[margin - Hooker 1/2]]
Brought [[^ remainder of M. MS]]  M.S. of "Family Motor Trip" to Horseless Age. This only leaves the last pages of Italy in my possession. Gave then to Mr. Heldt (Editor) Spent a busy afternoon (charge 1/2 day) at Development and Funding Co. Consulting with Hooker and Marsh as to most desirable changes for new plant Carried my point to make 4000 Ampere cells for new plant and utilize old plant as it is leaving generators the same. This will save considerable money and make matters easier. Wrote a reply to Correspondence T. R. Crocher in Electrochemical Industry. Wrote several letters for D. & F. Co.
[[margin - 2x]]
[[margin -Hooker]]

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[[margin - CCL4]]
Had interview with Klipstien concerning proposal of [[Guesheim?]] Co. to make arrangement with us for manufacture of CCL4. Delivered their proposal.
July 16 Hard at work in laboratory
July 17 Another busy day in laboratory further research work in relation to [[underline]] Bakalite. [[/underline]]
July 18 Another hot sultry day. But I do not mind it and thoroughly appreciate the luxury of being allowed to stay home in shirt sleeves and without a collar. [[underline]] How about these Slave millionaires in wall street who have to go to their money making pursuit notwithstanding the sweltering heat [[/underline]] All day spent in laboratory - Bakalite
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