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In the evening [[strikethrough]] went to [[/strikethrough]] took trolley to New York. Central Park Concert then Sight Seeing auto trip to Chinatown
July 22 Early at work in Laboratory. Sent a letter to be registered by postman this afternoon to Mother. Afternoon wrote letters until 10:30 P.M.
How delightfully restful and quiet everything is . Notwithstanding I am all alone! I find this extremely enjoyable. How simple our life could be if we were not always trying to make it burdensome by unnecessary complications and artificialities and snobberies. 
My meals only take a few
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minutes and are reduced to utmost simplicity. This is the real atmosphere for meditation.
Sultry damp weather did not prevent me doing a full days work although collar had to be dispensed with.
July 23 This is [[underline]] the 23rd anniversary of my Doctorship.(1884). [[/underline]] Twenty three years! a longer period than my whole life was when I obtained my degree. How these twenty three years have gone fast. Seems to me as if it was only recently I passed my last examination. - What a change in my ideas, opinions and how much I have learned since. Now I am again a student, and a student
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