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[[margin]] Impregnation of wood with sulphite liquor on pencil wood obtained from Byron Goldsmith]]
A few days ago I tried impregnation of wood with waste sulphite liquor as obtained from the pulp plant at Mechanicsville (West Virginia Pulp and Paper Co) tried vacuum impregnation followed by standing then slow but effective drying in laboratory stove.
Samples used were lead pencil cedar and basswood. Color was not changed much but I see no great difference in general aspect. Will have to try strength on testing machine.
May 19. Sunday. Did some further work with soy beans. I find that soaking the beans over night
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in salt solution then heat and dry and roast the swelled beans produces a very palatable product.
[[margin - More on soy beans]]
Lewis took bridge out of frame of my car in the morning 
[[margin - A discussion will Mrs. Annie Nathan Meyer]]
Received the visit of Mrs. A. N. Meyer and little daughter. Had an animated discussion. She disagreed with us on the subject of animal killing for sport or eating and showed some other lack of education in economical subjects defending the good of luxury. Thinking spenders or consumers as useful as producers!
In the afternoon Toch called with his two older children
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