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June 27. Nearing Buffalo met E. H. Hooker on train who had been on same train. He told me about the tribulations of his motor trip to Jamestown exhibition.
Arrived at Toronto about 1:30 in King Edward Hotel. A most excellent well kept large modern hotel. Good service.
[[margin - Chemical meeting Toronto University]]
University of Toronto. Fine modern buildings beautifully situated Fine equipment. Listened to papers. -  [[strikethrough]] Evening [[strikethrough]] afternoon garden party at Rosedale house of Mr. Osler, M.P. brother of Dr. Osler. Beautiful grounds.  Band of Highlanders with kilts playing. Drove back in carriages to Hotel thence
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[[margin - Toronto's Royal Yacht Club]]
to Royal Yacht Club.  Charming location on lake - Dinner informal. [[strikethrough]]chancelor said[[/strikethrough]] afterwards concert which we did not hear because we were very busy holding meeting of Council of American Chemical Society. [[underlined]] Carried my point in having my proposition accepted of separating office of Editor and Secretary.[[/underlined]] Dr. Gunderman and Chicago section were very much opposed. His remarks and speech were rather accentuated to the point of almost stepping over the bounds of politeness. I did not like his ways and all other members of the council excepting Chicago seemed to think the same way. because they out voted them.
[[margin - I effected the separation of offices - for secretary & Editor of Am. Chem. Soc. Chicago much opposed because diminishes importance of A.W. Noyes]]
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