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A Mr. Schneider had developed the day before the following thema: musical education backwardness. Children get piano lessons not to educate them musically but to show them off at a recital. - Sign of respectability Learning music with the object of [[proving]] with it. Music has two sides the intellectual and the emotional side. 
[[Margin - wrong musical education]] The latter has most adherents and has made many victims. Witness several great musicians who became insane in about the same way as overindulgence in all stimulants.
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July 5th
[[margin - 1/x Hooker troubles]]

Left at noon for Buffalo then to Niagara where I went directly to Development and Funding Company's works. I soon found out that the plant was in a very bad condition. Corroded cathodes pierced diaphragms and the largest repair bill in cell room they ever had. Spent all afternoon investigating and concluded to stay several days. Took rooms at Prospect house and was astonished to see that there are only a few visitors. [[underline]]A very busy day[[/underline]]

July 6  Another very busy day. Put on overalls and spent every hour of the day at the plant
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