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plant as it is. remodel the existing 2000 A. cells. (if possible to 2500) and add 114. new cells 4000 A. so that cell plant will have following dynamo equipment
old [[image - bracket showing "old" refers to next two lines,
2. _ [[strikethrough]] 250 [[/strikethrough]] 125 volts..2000 Amp.
1   250 V. 2000 "
new  3   270 V 4000 "
Cell type C. which is the improved type as originally proposed by Willard Hooker about two years ago. and which has been successively improved by suggestions from me and others.
[[margin - Hooker]] 
My new diaphram (blown on fiber) modified by W. Hooker by addition of a sheet of paper seems to work very nicely and it looks as if this cheapened dia
[[margin - Diaphragms]]
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phragm was going to supplant the more expensive cloth diaphragm.
All [[strikethrough]] new [[/strikethrough]] cells are now being renewed with this. Last diaphragms are 2 lb. No. 2 fiber each and one sheet of paper calculated cost being 75 cents as to $1.50 for the cloth diaphragm.
[[margin - Hooker]]
 Cell plant has extraordinarily improved since my last visit and 68 cells are running with renewals averaging one cell from one to three days only.
[[underline]] What a tremendous difference with conditions of two months ago! [[/underline]]
We took a few sandwiches for lunch in Mr. Hooker's room. Then resumed sessions. adopting Cell type C for modifying existing cells.  
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