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[[preprinted]] 146 [[/preprinted]]
Lewis worked all day cleaning debris. I worked in lab on varnish [[strikethrough]] etc [[/strikethrough]] & Bakalite. In evening visit of M. Calberla of Dresden introduced by Prof Möhlau.
Oct 9. Gave letter for mother to be registered to the letter carrier. Worked in lab on varnishes etc.
Oct 10. Worked on Bakalite.
Oct 11. Went to New York. 2 hr. D & Funding Co charge 1/3 day. 
[[margin]] 1/3X [[/margin]]
Horseless Age read proofs. Met Molina at Mouquins at lunch downtown
Lewis came with H. J. Evans & walked to his house. Had interesting conversation with him on philosophical subjects. [[strikethrough]] Corrected [[/strikethrough]] Revised corrected proofs for books in evening & sent Martha to P.O. with it in the evening.
Oct 12. Worked all day in lab
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[[preprinted]] 147 [[/preprinted]]
Oct 13. (Sunday). A beautiful autumn day. Motored to New York to fetch the Baskervilles & Toch. The latter in his newly bought house. Arrived here in due time. Carried them all back in the evening. everything went well. 
Oct 14. Mailed registered letter to Townsend for patent for the use of bases in the making of Bakalite. Drove to Nepera Park to get my discharge as volunteer fireman. [[highlighted with double lines in margin]] 
[[margin]] Bakelite [[/margin]]
Oct 15. Received dividend check $400 of Smelting & Refining co. Busy in lab on Bakalite
Oct 16. Went to New York. Horseless Age corrected my book. Tailor to try clothing. Paid him. Went with Toch to Mouquin up town. In the morning spent 2 hours at D & F Co (charge 1/3 day
[[margin]] [[strikethrough]] 1/2 [[/strikethrough]] 1/3 [[/margin]]
Oct 17. Morning in lab. Afternoon correction further proof for book.
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