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or any suitable surface and my patent application cover all these uses. As soon as you let me hear your outcomes I shall then try to make better samples. The ones I send you have been obtained by hastily mixing Carbondum and Bakalite in little Whiskey glass and then hardening the composition."  Truly etc.
[[margin - Letter to Tone (Carborundum)]]
Oct 31. Worked in lab all morning.  Sold 1 Bond Wisc. Central per T. L. Selysberg & Co. @ 76.
Spent two hours at office D & F Co. started some letters & had some ansulary work with Marsh & Lansing chge 1/6 day.  
[[margin - 1/6 X]]
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Nov 1.  Worked all day in lab. a beautiful autumn day like yesterday.
Nov 2.  Rain.  Worked in lab.  Sent by Am Express sample of Alumdium Bakalite and Emeric Bakalite to [[underline]] Saunders-Norton Emeri Co. [[/underline]]
[[margin - Samples & letter to Saunders of Norton Eneic Co.]]
Wrote following letter to him.
"Before making any further experiments I sent you to day for your decision the result of some mixtures of Bakalite Alumdum.-- It is quite probable that I have not struck the right thing not being sufficiently acquainted with the requirements. I am under the impression that what is derived is a porous mass and with that end in view have had to reduce amount of Bakalite.  The samples were all made by mixing alumdium with liquid Bakalite in a 
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