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Jan 13. Spent all day in lab. Received billiard balls of Bakalite from Mali and letter telling they were too heavy and not elastic enough.
Letter from Norton Co telling they have not succeeded in making [[underline]]wheels hard enough.[[/underline]]
[[margin - Billiard balls Grind stones]]
Jan 14. (Tuesday) Worked in lab and study room
Jan 15. (Wednesday) Took early train to New York thence 9:15 to Worcester Mass to Norton Co. saw Jeppson, heir father. Allen general manager. They showed me result of tests. Probably did not mix well. Jeppson told me that Bakalite was not as hard as Shellac. I think their mixing and heating defective. Concluded it would be best to carry our experiments out in our lab. Took dinner at Andrew Higgins house. Took sleeper 
[[margin - Grindstones Norton]]
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to New York arrived there 6:30 A.M.
Jan 16. In morning went to office D & F Co. remained there until 11:30 A.M. Went to Yonkers. Had further consultation over telephone with E. H. Hooker. (Charge 1/3 day) 
[[margin - 1/3 x]]
Evening went to Baskerville for dinner. Came back here at 1 P.M. Tire burst near Valentine lane.
Jan 17. Spent some time in lab with Thurlow discussing what to do for further experiments.
Jan 18 Worked all morning in lab. Evening meeting of [[underline]]Anvil Club[[underline]] at Kelman's. Speaker C.T. Cox on Faith Cures in the Middle Ages and in present day. Lively and interesting discussion. Had to leave at 11:30 P.M. to catch my train for Niagara. Falls
[[margin - Anvil Club]]
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