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Boston Jully 1st: 1743

Dear Sir
I wrote you the of may by Capt. Bonner & then troubled you with 2 Bills one on Mess:r Tryons for £30 the other on Mess:r Walter Hayter & Sons for £11 - the 2d Lott of which Bills are now inclosed as also a Bill of Lading for eight Guineas & twenty five oz & a half of Silver plate. I have for a long time intended to send for ye pictures & which my Nephew left with you, but delayed on act. of the war, which as there is no apearance of being over thinks it now best to have them over here again, for as you long ago wrote me you had sold none of them, now thought it likely you should. I am in hopes I shal make something of them here so desires you wil order them to be [[note in margin?]] carefully packed up in a god case & sent by the first opportunity for this Port & insure on the Virtu Cargo for £150. I must further trouble you to buy me 3 doz 3/4 Cloaths strained, & two whole Length Cloaths which pray order to be good & carefully rolled up & put in a Case. Fann Paper ten Reams This is an article which we shal probably want considerable of so would desire you to write ye mans name you buy it of & where he lives that we may send to him directly without troubling you again. There are many women That paints Fanns for the country use and as they buy the Collours of us the paper has of late come naturaly in to be an article in the Shop. Let it be of the sort comonly used for cheap Fanns & should be glad ye man would Send a Sheet or 2 of the different sorts of paper with ye prices. 
Lake of the comon midling sort about two Guineas, and of good Lake about two Guineas more. Prussian Blew 50 [[e?]] @ 2 Shillings per pound Do 6 [[e?] @ 20 Shill. or a Guinea per pound. [[Do?]] 6 [[e?]] @ 18 Shill. per pound. That may be had cheapest of ye maker M Mitchell at Hoxton who you may