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New York April 25th 1849
Yours of the 23d came to
hand this morning--I think you have been
misinformed, I do not recollect promising
Ms. Griswold the drawings for Mrs Osgood's
poems by 2d of May (Wednesday) but said, 
I think, that I would do them [[underline]] as soon as possible [[/underline]]. I will try to send you [[underline]] two [[/underline]] by
[[underline]] Monday [[/underline]] (30th April) but I think it doubtful.
Unfortunately for [[one]] Mrs Osgood's poetry is not over suggestive but is easily digested, being of a very light character.--Mrs Sigourney's was rather on the [[underline]] heavy  [[/underline]] side, It certainly makes a charming variety (of course this is all in [[underline]] confidence [[/underline]] ). As I am about to [[underline]] move [[/underline]] to other quarters please direct your letter [[underline]] to care of Geo. P. Putnam--No 155 Broadway [[/underline]] 
Until you hear from me again
Yours respectfully
F. O. C. Darley
Messrs Casey & Hart.