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in the shadows and the picture become more brilliant. The same trouble I found was [[?]] in the picture I expected to send and so determined to retain them. There appears to be a constitutional change going on in my system + I find that I must wait until my energies are restored before I can make much head way. I find myself very well and make a start to pitch in my old fashion but I soon tire and then my good work of the short time is [[infused?]] with the bad work of the [[strike through]] longer [[/strike through]] forced endeavours. This is apparent in the 22 x 27s. I might have painted three or four like the Breezy day while I was straining myself by over work to [[strike through]] finish the other to a greater degree of [[/strike through]] make the other all I wanted.
     I determined to let the first one go although it was most all I wanted but I believe the 24 x 36 is within two hours of being pretty near the mark. Rich, clear, firmly painted and interesting. So that what I have to do as a new lesson in life is to regulate my working hours and try to do only what can be done in these.