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New Haven Nov 30th 1822

Dear Sir
   As I am going to Boston in a few days, /in about a week/ I feel very desirous of an opportunity of calling on Mr. Stewart.  I know of no introduction which would be of near the same importance to me, as one from yourself, and it is the object of this letter to beg such a favour, if you should be entirely willing to grant it -- You Sir, are so well acquainted with the habits of Mr Stewarts mind, as to be able at once to advise me about the propriety of calling upon him, and I have been thus free in soliciting this favour, from past experience of your kindness and friendship. -  
   Should it be agreeable to your feelings, and not be intruding too much on your time, will you please Sir, to enclose and drop by mail to me here, a note of introduction to Mr Stewart.  I shall esteem it as an important favour.  If possible I shall take with me a specimen of my painting.-- I think I am advancing some, but have been interrupted by sickness  An attack of the Typhus Fever closely confined me to my bed between 3 & 4 weeks this fall, and much longer from my business.  Through Divine goodness I am now restored to far better health then I enjoyed when I was at your house in July. -- My brother has