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certainly are more citizens of the world than of a nation -
     What is to become of us all after this war God only knows, except we all [[turn ?]] battle-painters, a vocation in which, especially in this contest, I, for one, could never engage - 
      However I am grateful to be an Artist and pursue my course as directly as circumstances of so [[counteracting?]] a nature will permit me -
      How is your good father? How he must grieve over our misfortune or is he sufficiently hopeful to see the sun behind these clouds.
Nothing scarcely is doing here in Art and the little public pro-
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gress we were making has been postponed - How many years we are put back I do not know.
      I am somewhat in debt to "The Crayon" whose departure I deplore. I hope soon to be able to "settle" but these times have pinched me so that I have been unable of late -
Please send the picture to me and I will pay all charges at this end -
Yrs very gratefully
F B Mayer.
29 Franklin St.
Baltimore Md.

I Durand Esq