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can execute them with in Florence, so I will have them done as soon as I can & send the cane by the first safe opportunity. - Shake "Old Hal's" hand for me when you see him. I see by the last [[?]] that his friends in N. York are about to present him with a gold medal, it, with the coppers, will cost some $3000.
     I have run a whole round of studies since you left us - my Ideal with a success which I had not anticipated, -- and Sculptors here are opening their eyes and saying it throws old S[[?]] Power's in the shade - but excuse me for reflecting exprress'd opinions. I have devoted to it much more time than I expected when you left, but it will doubly repay -- I shall be at Old Hal's Statue right away, & in two or three weeks at your Bust of our distinguishd friend & neighbor [[G.J.?]] --
     I have been at a loss to guess [[?]] my old friend Dr Bob Bush is, - should you meet with him any where tell him "howdy" for me, -- I expected to have received a line from you before hand, but nothing yet.