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Philadelphia March 21st. 1825 Mr Durand Sir Mr Morgan of this city has requested me to enquire of you if you can undertake to engrave a whole length likeness of Pres. ^L^ Adams from portrait that I am now finishing -- The shortest time in which the plate can be delivered from the time you receive the portrait, and your charge for such engraving: The size of the plate is to correspond to that of Washington -- Jefferson -- Madison & Monroe which he has published, and may be found in all the print shops -- I think the size is about 19 by 14 -- The picture from which you would copy, is 32 by 25 inches. I have made a rough sketch of the composition in order the better to assist your estimate -- The back ground you may perceive is very light and would not require much labour [Well] would wish it etched in your best style --but I should presume that it would be unnecessary to make such observations to one whose excellent works prove him to possess the true spirit of his art -- a desire always to do his best. I have the honor to be with much esteem Your Obt Sevt Thos Sully