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567 de Soto St St. Paul. Oct 31 95 My dear Clark Your prompt little letter came to break up a long and dismal silence on the part of Newpark [[?]]. No one who hasn’t experienced it can have any idea of the gloom of social isolation; it is what the evangelical poet meant when he wrote “Far, in the land where hours dwell.” If your suggested schedule for the large pictures is necessary, and can be carried out, that settles it, and you will understand that the sooner the better, “France needs soldiers”*. As for the small one I should have made it more clear, as I was coming away from Net [[?]] Brownell told me that he had a friend who would give me $250—or $300—for an 18 x 30 and when I wrote asking him where I should send it he said “Why not send with the picture to Clark and I will take my man there to see it. Most likely you will learn this from Brownell before getting this letter. I hope you will be able to lend him an old frame