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(14)  Mt. Orizaba. Rancho.
to a hedge of gooseberries on several occasions. I failed to get a specimen. They seemed to feed on the green berries.
Cyanocitta. Birds of this genus were seen but none procured.
Colaptes cafer. com.
Dendroica audoboni. com.
Dryobates stricklandi: Very com.
Empidonax: I killed 2 species of this genus near Rancho.
Ergaticus ruber. com.
Falco: A species of this genus were com.
Geococcyx alfinis: I saw none on the Mt. but people describe them.
Habia melanocephala: Com.
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Mt. Orizaba. Rancho.  (15)
Harporhynchus ocellatus: Rather com. as high up as Rancho.
Parus meridionalis: Com.
Pipilo: Two species we found here (1) something like the one at Chalchicomula very common. & unusually bold. & (2) a species having a rufous crown not previously seen, was not so com.
Loxia mex.: A bird was killed by Mr N.
Junco cinereus: com.
Troglodytes brunneicollis. Rather com.
Vireo huttoni com.
Certhia familiaris mex: [[strikethrough]]I[[/strikethrough]] one shot by Mr Nelson.
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